The heat pump is the heating method most often chosen to heat the pool water and enjoy swimming for longer even when the weather is gloomy.

What is a swimming pool heat pump?
We all know that the function of a heat pump is to heat, but it is good to know the main lines, the characteristics of the heat pump. There is, as in all fields, a specific language that it is better to know to understand the machine. What does the term ON/OFF mean? What is the difference between a classic heat pump and an inverter? What is the difference between a horizontal and vertical heat pump? You will have the answer to all these questions in our section "What is a pool heat pump?"
How does the pool heat pump work?
In order for the swimming pool heat pump to give its full capacity and efficiency, it is important to know how the heat pump works. If the device is easy to use, it contains elements of technology that are both simple but dependent on each other. Knowing the function of the evaporator, the condenser..., knowing what the refrigerant is, what defrosting is for, how this equipment works... allows you to better use your heat pump.
How to choose your swimming pool heat pump?
The heat pump is one of the most efficient pool heating methods. It is also an investment, and there is no question of being wrong about the choice of device. For the swimming pool heat pump to be fully satisfactory, how to choose your pool heat pump? You must take into account the characteristics of the swimming pool and its environment, meet the expectations of bathers and define its use. It is essential that the specificities of the machine, the power, the COP, the SCOP, the EER, … correspond as well as possible to the expectations of the owners. As there are many elements that come into play, a heat balance is essential. The labels guarantee the performance of the heat pump.
Preparing for the arrival of the heat pump
The heat pump is a robust piece of equipment, however it travels a long time and transport is a delicate point. This is why specific protections are put in place to ensure that the machine arrives in good condition to its final destination. While waiting for delivery, it is essential to prepare for the arrival of the heat pump by carrying out some anticipatory work so that its installation is faster and quickly enjoy a swim at the right temperature.

How to install and use the heat pump?
The pool heat pump can be installed on their own or by a professional who can also adjust the device. A number of operating symbols may appear on the machine's monitor screen, but what do they mean? If the heat pump operates non-stop at the start of the season, until the set temperature is reached, when should it be used the rest of the time? The heat pump is properly installed, but a gust of wind, stormy weather, the night passes and the pool water temperature drops, so how do you preserve the heat produced by the heat pump? In this chapter, you will find good advice on how to install and use the heat pump?
How to maintain the pool heat pump?
Maintenance is an essential factor in the proper functioning and longevity of this machine. But how to maintain the pool heat pump? Simple and quick checks can be made by the individual and for more security, the annual intervention of a professional can solve a certain number of minor malfunctions. The heat pump can be winterized and restarted without external intervention, provided that it is rigorous and precise. When the heat pump is obsolete or permanently broken down, what to do with this machine?
Are swimming pool heat pumps noisy?
Like most electrical equipment, the heat pump emits operating noise. Nevertheless, are swimming pool heat pumps noisy? Generally the sound level is between 45 and 65 decibels. If the heat pump is well adjusted and installation advice is followed, it will not disturb the life of the family or the neighborhood, it knows how to be discreet.